
Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I have played this clip 20 times and keep laughing uncontrollably. This could be for a few reasons:
1) I'm completely delusional
2) I'm already the worst mother in the world
3) Both 1 & 2

Let me explain. Yesterday we had our 31 week ultrasound to check on the little munchkin; I use the term "little" very loosely in its current context. Our baby currently weighs in at 4 lbs 9 oz. That seems incredibly large, considering we could have 8+ more weeks to go, and they normally double in size from now until birth. If my baby enters the world tipping the scale close to the 10lb mark, I can just imagine us now... we'll be like a mommy and baby sharpie, sitting on the couch waiting for daddy to come home and feed love us!

The baby was squished up against my side for the entire ultrasound, so this leads me to believe he/she will be a perfect snuggle bug. This is amazing - I will want a nice warm rolly-polly baby to cuddle up next to for the next few months... nothing makes me happier than the smell of a newborn baby, especially if they like to snuggle you and hold your hair or pinky finger all day. As funny as it is to think of having a super-size Gendreau enter our family... I'm so happy. I love chubby wubby babies more than anything in this world.

On top of already having chubby cheeks and triple chins, our baby also had a full head of hair. Therefore, I'm expecting the following to emerge in the next month or two. And honestly? I'll totally take it!!

Well, it'll either look like that, or like this this (and if Cole had his way, I'm really not sure which one would be his preference).
Honestly, I'm not sure what makes guys so "proud" of the fact that they are having a large child. "Look at my boy - 15 lbs!!! Can you believe it?? I can! I made that!" or "Look at my girl - 13 lbs! You bet I did that!" and all his buddies high five, chest bump, and congratulate him.
I'm sorry - last I checked, this baby is entering the world only one way - and its not via "daddy". So, if I happen to have an extra large baby, I'm 99% sure all my girlfriends will potentially look at me with a slight twinge of horror.

On a different note - the main reason we went in to get an ultrasound was not to watch our baby eat its own hand (which it did, by the way).... but it was to check up on the kidney situation. And guess what! Chubby babies = healthy babies! The kidneys are still a little large, but completely relative to the size of our munchkin. So, as of right now - any blockage or reflux has since been ruled out!! And now, mother and baby shall celebrate....

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