“A little about me” --> I used to find myself strangely fascinating. Now, I’m pretty sure I’m just strange.

I’ve aged 20 years in the last 3… my Friday nights consist of me laying on my new reclining sofa and watching Dateline & 20/20 with my husband. If I get home anytime after 8pm I’m pissed because I’ve missed the beginning to the murder mystery and I will curse the Dateline Gods. I partake in that whole “Home Depot, Bed Bath & Beyond if I have time” ordeal – unfortunately, it’s a fact of life… and growing up. At least now I get to switch it up a bit and add Buy Buy Baby/Babies R Us to the mix (insert your feelings of jealousy here).
77% of my day is spent daydreaming: lately I’ve been writing a fantastic novel about my “real life”, that causes mass hysteria like Twilight. It is then picked up and turned into a movie, where I am cast as the lead role and play myself (obviously), opposite Ryan Reynolds (oh heyyy Ryan).