
Friday, May 4, 2012

One Month

Wow, has life changed!! I haven't blogged in months.... (tsk tsk) but I'm going to try and get back at it. Since today is a special day (Greyson is officially one month old) I figured it'd be a great time to pick back up the pen and write...

This post is dedicated to my muffin mans one month stats, from his point of view!

Weight: 9.1 lbs
Height: 21.5 inches

Likes: Being on anyones shoulder, being walked around the house, being swaddled warm & snuggly, anytime I can eat, eat, eat.
Dislikes: My upset tummy, being sweaty, laying flat on my back, when people wake me up from my naps, and usually the hours between 7-9 pm.

Demeanor: Every day is a new day; I love to keep mom on her toes. Some days I love to eat and snooze, snooze and eat.... other days I like to mix things up a bit with fussiness and lots of cries. I love to hear my mommy's voice and I follow it around with my eyes and head, to make sure she isn't trying to hide from me or disappear. I love when daddy comes home from work and I hear a new voice in the house (although usually I'm asleep and I can hear my mommy whisper "SHHH DONT WAKE HIM!"). I haven't really noticed Sophie yet, but I'm sure I will soon. I'm trying to understand what to do with my hands, and whenever I can get them up to my mouth I will suck on them! If I'm napping and not swaddled, I will wake myself up with random arm waving and sometimes by whacking myself in my eye. I love staring at lights and ceiling fans, and occasionally surprising everyone with a smile here and there (most likely due to my insane gas). Speaking of gas, my belly hurts a lot, and I've heard mom say that her new part-time job is a laundry maid... thanks to my many blow outs! I don't think she minds though... she kisses me a lot and calls me the most handsome man in all the world.

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