To quote one of my favorite movies ever....
"Let's start at the very beginning
A very good place to start
When you read you begin with ABC
When you sing you begin with do re mi"
Well thank you Maria from Sound of Music, that definitely helps me if I want to start reading, or singing, but what about if I want to start my own blog??? Your songs definitely aren't helping me put "ink to the page"... and I've been sitting here starting at this blank screen for hours (good thing I work for a website as my 9-5).
I guess the "beginning" would be for me to kind of back-date a few entries, and have some of this blog published before you even get the special link! So here it goes... as you've already learned, I've gone and drank the water - and now I have my own little bun in the oven. I honestly couldn't be more excited; as well as the 100 other emotions that come along with this new "mommy-to-be" title!
For some necessary/unnecessary TMI background information: Cole & I fall under the category of "lucky ones" - ok, I fall under the category of "lucky ones." Cole may view it as unlucky - because the day I told him we were expecting a little munchkin, his face jumped in excitement as he yelled "Are we really?" and then a few seconds later followed by "oh man, I would have enjoyed practicing some more".We were I was that lucky. :) But - I didn't originally think this was the case. A few things happened between the "practicing" and the "reveal" where I pretty much thought we'd get at least another month of trying in. And this is why, when we found out we were expecting, it was one of the most magical moments of my life....
We were on a European adventure, traveling around England, Scotland & Ireland with my family. For some reason, Scotland has always had a special place in my heart: mostly because my mom's side of the family are Scottish, but also because, for my 6th grade "country report" I selected Scotland and my mom helped me make a batch of melt-in-your-mouth shortbread cookies and I haven't been able to get them out of my head since (unbutton pants here). I digress... We spent the first few days walking around the streets of London: beer was an integral part of breakfast, lunch & dinner (remember, at this point, I figured our original attempts hadn't exactly taken-to!). By the time we got to Scotland, I was feeling a little "off" - I was tired and my body was telling me something wasn't right, which I totally categorized under jet-lag and tucked it away under my glass of Guinness, shot of whiskey, and hotel pillow. After a few more days, I realized I was late. "Stupid jet-lag!" I thought to myself. However, I decided it would be best to take a pregnancy test, just to confirm my previous feeling on "first attempt" failure. So I crept out of bed at 430am, peed on a little stick, and two little lines appeared. "Excuse me!" I said to myself (either by looking in the mirror and talking to my reflection, or just talking down to my hands that were shaking and holding the pee-ridden pink stick). I went back to bed and tried to fall back asleep. Honestly, if anyone has taken a pregnancy test and gotten a positive result, and ever tried to go back to sleep, you know this is pointless. So at about 6am I bounced right back out of bed, grabbed a fresh stick, and got after it again. Double lines, again. I watched Cole for another hour as he slept because I didn't want to wake him up. But, as soon as he was awake - I spilled the beans. As I mentioned earlier, his hands were thrown into the air and his jaw dropped and he kept repeating "are we really?! are we really?!" and then the aforementioned "oh man! I would have enjoyed practicing some more!"
We got ready for the day, and met my family for breakfast at a local cafe that had a beautiful view of the Edinburgh castle. We were bursting at the seams and made it through the first 10 minutes of breakfast without a peep, and then we shared the news. It was kind of a whirlwind but there were hugs & tears, and I got a free shortbread cookie complete with chocolate chips out of the announcement - yay me! A baby AND a free cookie!!! This was my day!!! We spent the rest of the afternoon hiking up Arthur's Seat Volcano, where each member of my family including myself managed to trip and fall over the rainy/dew-ridden grass... followed by hot chocolate & more shortbread cookies at the castle. It honestly was a PICTURE perfect day.
We called Cole's mom from my cell phone at the hotel, where she let us know that "Twins would be just great - a boy for Cole & a girl for Sara!" and as we hung up and I stared at my belly and said "don't you even think about it..." while I nodded off to sleep, trying to ingrain every detail from the day into my memory.
"Let's start at the very beginning
A very good place to start
When you read you begin with ABC
When you sing you begin with do re mi"
Well thank you Maria from Sound of Music, that definitely helps me if I want to start reading, or singing, but what about if I want to start my own blog??? Your songs definitely aren't helping me put "ink to the page"... and I've been sitting here starting at this blank screen for hours (good thing I work for a website as my 9-5).
I guess the "beginning" would be for me to kind of back-date a few entries, and have some of this blog published before you even get the special link! So here it goes... as you've already learned, I've gone and drank the water - and now I have my own little bun in the oven. I honestly couldn't be more excited; as well as the 100 other emotions that come along with this new "mommy-to-be" title!
For some necessary/unnecessary TMI background information: Cole & I fall under the category of "lucky ones" - ok, I fall under the category of "lucky ones." Cole may view it as unlucky - because the day I told him we were expecting a little munchkin, his face jumped in excitement as he yelled "Are we really?" and then a few seconds later followed by "oh man, I would have enjoyed practicing some more".
We were on a European adventure, traveling around England, Scotland & Ireland with my family. For some reason, Scotland has always had a special place in my heart: mostly because my mom's side of the family are Scottish, but also because, for my 6th grade "country report" I selected Scotland and my mom helped me make a batch of melt-in-your-mouth shortbread cookies and I haven't been able to get them out of my head since (unbutton pants here). I digress... We spent the first few days walking around the streets of London: beer was an integral part of breakfast, lunch & dinner (remember, at this point, I figured our original attempts hadn't exactly taken-to!). By the time we got to Scotland, I was feeling a little "off" - I was tired and my body was telling me something wasn't right, which I totally categorized under jet-lag and tucked it away under my glass of Guinness, shot of whiskey, and hotel pillow. After a few more days, I realized I was late. "Stupid jet-lag!" I thought to myself. However, I decided it would be best to take a pregnancy test, just to confirm my previous feeling on "first attempt" failure. So I crept out of bed at 430am, peed on a little stick, and two little lines appeared. "Excuse me!" I said to myself (either by looking in the mirror and talking to my reflection, or just talking down to my hands that were shaking and holding the pee-ridden pink stick). I went back to bed and tried to fall back asleep. Honestly, if anyone has taken a pregnancy test and gotten a positive result, and ever tried to go back to sleep, you know this is pointless. So at about 6am I bounced right back out of bed, grabbed a fresh stick, and got after it again. Double lines, again. I watched Cole for another hour as he slept because I didn't want to wake him up. But, as soon as he was awake - I spilled the beans. As I mentioned earlier, his hands were thrown into the air and his jaw dropped and he kept repeating "are we really?! are we really?!" and then the aforementioned "oh man! I would have enjoyed practicing some more!"
We got ready for the day, and met my family for breakfast at a local cafe that had a beautiful view of the Edinburgh castle. We were bursting at the seams and made it through the first 10 minutes of breakfast without a peep, and then we shared the news. It was kind of a whirlwind but there were hugs & tears, and I got a free shortbread cookie complete with chocolate chips out of the announcement - yay me! A baby AND a free cookie!!! This was my day!!! We spent the rest of the afternoon hiking up Arthur's Seat Volcano, where each member of my family including myself managed to trip and fall over the rainy/dew-ridden grass... followed by hot chocolate & more shortbread cookies at the castle. It honestly was a PICTURE perfect day.
We called Cole's mom from my cell phone at the hotel, where she let us know that "Twins would be just great - a boy for Cole & a girl for Sara!" and as we hung up and I stared at my belly and said "don't you even think about it..." while I nodded off to sleep, trying to ingrain every detail from the day into my memory.
The night before I found out... oopsie poopsie baby! :) |
Double Confirmation... |
Leaving the cafe after they found out they were going to be Aunts! |
Mommy & Daddy To-Be <3 |
Trip of a lifetime... |
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