
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Life Choices

I realized I'm a few weeks late in posting some entries! Last week I just forgot to publish one, so thank you pregnancy brain for that oopsie poopsie. I'm remembering to do one right now, mainly because I just got back from a doctors appointment. The heart is beating away.... about 147 today. I've gained about 3 1/2 pounds. That blows my mind, because I'm literally walking around in jeans that are unbuttoned & unzipped... even when I had hungover "puffy" days, I could always zip up my pants. I would have assumed I was more along the lines of the freshmen 15 status. And if I had had any doubts, today my doctor so politely asked me if I'd ever seen numbers like this on the scale. He then told me, "We're going to blow these numbers out of the water soon enough." I then began to hear my jeans silently rip past the zipper line, and spread to the inner thigh.

You know those days when you wake up and just feel extremely fortunate? That's how I've felt the last week or so. My life seems to be so... on track, even though I don't necessarily agree with the term "on track" because life always throws you curve balls, and whose track are you really following anyway? My mind bounces from here-to-there so often, I barely even leave a trail of dust in my path. (These days, there is a chance its more of a trail of crop dust.... pardon this lovely pregnancy side affect, SO sorry to those of you that are reading this and judging me. Just be glad you don't share an office with me). I've got to Skype with my younger sister and spend time with my family that lives in AZ; I flew to Denver to visit my best friend who gave birth just 2 months ago to her first baby; the director and our video team at work got nominated and WON an Emmy, and I'm headed to New Orleans this weekend to celebrate my 1 year anniversary. It feels like a lot of my choices in life are just.... working out?

Speaking of choices (I bet you were afraid I was going to say "Speaking of working out" but don't you worry, I would never do that to you).... I logged into Facebook today (and by logging in, I mean I clicked on one of my windows that has Facebook already open, 24/7 on my computer) and the following poll was located on my right-hand side nav:
"Sara, Which Do You Like Better?"
-Peter Piper Pizza
-JPs Doghouse

Has Facebook been STALKING ME? I don't use the "check-in" feature... most likely because I have a lame blackberry and not a "cool" iphone. I don't have a little Siri to talk to me. So how in the world does Facebook know that my two favorite foods (besides spaghetti, and all baked goods) are PIZZA (specifically PPP) and HOTDOGS! And I love JP's. So much in fact, I have a separate hot dog blog, and 3 of the posts are about JP himself!! I honestly couldn't choose between the two, so I quickly logged out so Facebook could stop looking into my hungry soul. Tonight I'm going to have a nightmare, full of pizza and hot dogs taunting me, screaming "pick me pick me"... totally cruel.  I will never ask my child to make such a decision as hard as the one Facebook proposed to me today. Whatever choices they make in life, I will try to fully support. Unless, of course, they choose to dislike Peter Piper Pizza, JPs Doghouse, Spaghetti, and baked goods. Then we have a whole other problem on our hands.

Liking boys & other items you should/shouldn't do

I'd like to preface this entry by stating I've worked two 12 hour days back-to-back, along with attending an Incubus concert - to only come home at midnight and work some more. I'm stating this for two obvious reasons: one, so you're aware if this blog post sounds fuzzy or jumps around, you know why... and two, to once again prove my theory that pregnant women can definitely still rock. <3

While attending the Incubus concert, I was full of nostalgia. Dating back to high school and then moving through college, it was like a flash back & flash forward of my "previous life" merging with the current. And then I started wondering... oh dear god, if I have a daughter... will she be just like me? And if I have son, will he be the kind of gentleman I hope to raise? I think this chain reaction of thoughts began because I laid eyes on this...

Mmmhmm. Every girl loves a rocker. Or a bad boy. Or just a super sexy man without his shirt on. So then I mentally started to draft a "Things You Probably Should/Shouldn't Do" to my unborn child.

Dear Daughter...
1) Please be careful with boys. Talking to them, spending time with them, or even riding in the car with them.
Unless they have a Facebook page dedicated to their driving capabilities, and in that case, I really have nothing more to say on the matter.

And just like that, I stopped drafting this letter in my head. Because I realized everything I wanted to tell her she shouldn't do, I've probably done. So maybe I want to have a boy after all?