
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

4 months old

I’m 4 months old – time is absolutely flying by! I’m having so much fun and growing bigger and bigger by the day.

Stats: 13.10oz & 25 1/4 inches tall

Likes – I still love facing the world. As much as I love meeting new people and getting hugs and kisses – just make sure that you do all this fun stuff to me while I’m facing out, so I can still pay attention to everything else going on in the room.  I like my new friends, my feet! I love to hold them, sometimes suck on them, and use them to kick mom in the boobs! I love staring at you intensely as you talk to me (What’s that? You’re usually talking to whoever is holding me, and not actually speaking to me directly? Well that’s rude. But I will still watch you.) I’ll even peek up at whoever is holding me time to time to get a good glimpse of their face (When did you get here, mom? I’ve been sitting here listening to Chatty Cathy for a good thirty minutes.) I still like following Sophie around with my face & eyes. Tummy time is so much more enjoyable now that I hold myself up high and can see out. I also love being held so that my weight is on my feet and I get to pretend I can walk. Speaking of walking – I love when mom wears me in the baby bjorn and strolls on the treadmill. It’s my favorite!

Dislikes- Gas, even though my dad says one day I’ll like it and it will make me laugh.  I dislike when I feel like I’m all alone in a room.  I still hate when someone is holding me while they sit down in a chair or on the couch – get up and at ‘em please, I like to walk around. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Oh Brother...

This week has been a challenging one for me. Actually, it may have started two weeks ago... and its all just being mentally mushed into one long week. Call me silly, but I was finally getting to a place in my life where I thought I was done second-guessing myself. I spent the first 31 days of being a new mom glued to my computer screen or iphone, googling the shit out of any question I ever had. What was I doing wrong? What was I doing right? What could I do better? It got to the point where I would begin to type in my new-mom-question-of-the-day, and instead of the google filter giving me a few suggestions... it would just list out a dozen self-help books and recommended medications. I finally got over the google-factor, and just made decisions on my own. And it was working! Until...

My sweet sweet boy stopped sleeping through the night. He wakes up 3-5 times crying, fussing, hungry and just not a happy camper. So now I feel like I'm a contestant on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" standing opposite Meredith Vierra, sweating my balls off because I don't know the answer to the $500 question! Even though in my version, there is no cash prize.

I'm using "phone a friend" and I'm "polling the audience" but I'm still not winning! What is wrong with my handsome boy? Is he hungry? Is my milk supply decreasing? If so, is it because I started a new diet which, to my body, feels more like a college eating disorder leading up to Spring Break, than an actual healthy diet? Is he teething? Do I feel canine teeth coming in first? Is that normal? Is my baby a vampire? If he is a vampire, did I have sex with Edward Cullen? (If the answer is yes, I'm OK with this). The list of questions goes on and on, as does the sleepless nights. For now, anyway. :) 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

3 Months

I'm 3 months old today - time is flying by! Apparently I was too busy pooping & eating to blog about my two month old birthday... oopsie daisy!!
Me & me bestie, my mom!

Stats- these are estimated since I didn't have to see the mean man with the needles, who my parents call "Doctor" this month.
Weight: 12+ lbs
Height: 24+ inches

Likes: Facing out so I can view the world (and view the television.... I loooove TV already and mom thinks I actually understand it, so she turns my face when "bad guys" are on), shoving my hands in my mouth while talking, drooling all over my outfits, having people bicycle my legs, taking baths, having at least one blow out a day, talking to my mobile, and blowing lots of spit bubbles as I coo.
Dislikes: When mommy eats dairy, being overstimulated (I think that means when I'm tired and people think its fun to keep shoving toys in my face like I can actually play with them), being scared, and being stuck in a car seat when I'm hungry!

Demeanor: I'm letting mom get a little bit more sleep these days- sometimes at night I will sleep 6 then 5 hours, and sometimes I will give her a special treat and sleep 9 hours straight. I only do this occasionally, because everybody needs beauty sleep... even moms. I never see daddy at night so he must be getting pretty beautiful these days. I think that "schedules" are for the birds and I still like to change things up during the day. I tend to take one good nap in my crib each day, the rest are spent in the living room, or if I'm lucky, I get an occasional snooze fest with mommy in bed. I'm a "big boy" now and sleep in my crib at night. Mommy misses me being so close to her, but it was time for me to venture out on my own. So, I packed up my bags and hit the road. I made it 50 feet, safe and sound. Yesterday I played Houdini and surprised them by waking up and wiggling around so that my feet were where my head was supposed to be, and my head was where my feet were supposed to be. I can roll over from my back to my side, and I'm pretty sure I can roll all the way over to my front... but I'm holding out for a little while longer. (Hold the presses - I rolled over once today!)

All in all, I'm a pretty super baby, and I can't believe I'm 3 months old!!
Hey, I know you!

Watching TV from bed...
Greyson- "Mom, did you see that?"
Mom - "Yea, Amber is a trainwreck, but so is Gary. At least Janelle isn't on this season!" 

Is there drool on my shirt?
This is how I like to talk....

Trying out my bumbo!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Enjoy your time now...

If you are expecting - expect to hear this line a lot: "Enjoy your time now because pretty soon everything will change! Honestly, just enjoy it!" I can not tell you how many times I had this wisdom thrust upon me from other people. And as I sat there 8 1/2 months pregnant... sweating, bloated, mentally and physically past the point of wanting to be pregnant a second longer, I laughed it off. Enjoy THIS??? My feet are too fat for my shoes, I get winded trying to get in my car and drive to work, and I'm in bed by 830pm because I just want to wake up at midnight and magically have my water break. What is there to enjoy?

I reflect back on this now and a light bulb goes off in my head. Ohhhh...I get it. Enjoy the silence. Enjoy the fact that you can go to bed at 830pm and sleep in until your body is ready to wake up. Enjoy the fact that you and your husband are sitting on the couch together, watching TV, and just being with each other.  Enjoy the freedom of seeing a movie, going to dinner, going to the bathroom, taking a shower, brushing your teeth, reading a book, catching up on your DVR.

I have a handful of pregnant friends right now, and when they ask me for advice, I hear myself saying "Enjoy your time now because pretty soon everything will change. Honestly, just enjoy it!" and I find them staring back at me, with an expression I know all-too-well. Their eyes stare back to me, taunting me, internally screaming "She's got to be kidding me".  And I'll reach over and pat their bellies, feeling tiny kicks that I already miss way too much. But soon enough, they'll understand. Except then, just like me, it will be too late. But, then again, they will have a tiny new baby to enjoy each and every day... and isn't that what we wanted to have and enjoy in the first place? So, I guess it all works out in the end. :) Because honestly, who really needs to brush their teeth or comb their hair each morning when they can wake up to a face like this? He doesn't judge me... and I bet your little one won't either. So, enjoy your time now if you can. And if you don't, that's OK too. But I bet you'll tell others the same piece of advice one day. Even though no one listens. :)

Friday, May 4, 2012

One Month

Wow, has life changed!! I haven't blogged in months.... (tsk tsk) but I'm going to try and get back at it. Since today is a special day (Greyson is officially one month old) I figured it'd be a great time to pick back up the pen and write...

This post is dedicated to my muffin mans one month stats, from his point of view!

Weight: 9.1 lbs
Height: 21.5 inches

Likes: Being on anyones shoulder, being walked around the house, being swaddled warm & snuggly, anytime I can eat, eat, eat.
Dislikes: My upset tummy, being sweaty, laying flat on my back, when people wake me up from my naps, and usually the hours between 7-9 pm.

Demeanor: Every day is a new day; I love to keep mom on her toes. Some days I love to eat and snooze, snooze and eat.... other days I like to mix things up a bit with fussiness and lots of cries. I love to hear my mommy's voice and I follow it around with my eyes and head, to make sure she isn't trying to hide from me or disappear. I love when daddy comes home from work and I hear a new voice in the house (although usually I'm asleep and I can hear my mommy whisper "SHHH DONT WAKE HIM!"). I haven't really noticed Sophie yet, but I'm sure I will soon. I'm trying to understand what to do with my hands, and whenever I can get them up to my mouth I will suck on them! If I'm napping and not swaddled, I will wake myself up with random arm waving and sometimes by whacking myself in my eye. I love staring at lights and ceiling fans, and occasionally surprising everyone with a smile here and there (most likely due to my insane gas). Speaking of gas, my belly hurts a lot, and I've heard mom say that her new part-time job is a laundry maid... thanks to my many blow outs! I don't think she minds though... she kisses me a lot and calls me the most handsome man in all the world.

April 4th, 2012

It seems like only yesterday I was standing in my house, taking my last pregnancy photograph! I remember relaxing in the morning, going out to lunch with Cole and coming home for a quick early afternoon nap, and then before I knew it... I was at the hospital at 330pm! 

Up to the maternity floor we go! 

This day/night is so hard to explain. It was such a whirlwind of excitement, nerves, fear, happiness and love... and yet, I can remember every single detail that will be forever etched into my memory. It is honestly so true that a mother feels no love like the one she feels for her baby. And it is something that no one can explain to you, describe to you, or try to talk about - because it just IS. 
At 11:55pm I was a pregnant woman in labor, expecting my first child to enter the world momentarily (sooner rather that later, I had hoped!)... and at 11:56pm, I heard his first cry, and had his warm body placed on my tummy. Not to take away from such a serene moment, but we didn't know the sex of our baby until this moment - and as soon as he was out, I swore I saw a giant pair of balls dangling in the air... and I was right. It was a sweet, sweet, boy (with giant balls). I remember I had opened up my mouth, while tears were streaming down my face in an overwhelming moment of love, and I gasped "I don't know what to do with your penis, I'm so sorry!" and I knew that, despite all of my previous fears of having a son, in this moment it became clear that I was meant to have a boy. I looked down at him, and everything in my body just felt so... right. I was meant to be his mommy, he was meant to be my son, and we would forever be a family. 
Between those two moments - 11:55pm & 11:56pm, my life had changed, and changed for the better.

Greyson Gene Gendreau
Born April 4th, 2012 @ 11:56pm
7lbs 12oz & 20 inches

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Just another day in the life of...

I like to g-chat. Some days are good days, some days are bad days. Based on the amount of Lindsay's laughter... I'd say today is a good day. That, or she just feels bad for me since I told her how much I'm sweating. Oh, and she's also on pain medication. So, your call.

sara: i have the sweats. how are you feeling. haha.

Lindsay: why??

sara: im just hot these days. i sleep in the nude, and when i get up to pee i look like i'm a woman straight out of amazon country.

Lindsay: i feel better when i take some pain meds, not 100% but better

sara: especially since i have to swing a few times to get out of bed

Lindsay: hahahaha

sara: look what i found. pick one i should i make this weekend

Lindsay: whats this weekend?

sara: a good time to bake cupcakes

Lindsay: haha duh

sara: haha
im so sweaty
and i have a million crumbs in my bra
sometimes i wonder if cole realizes he really hit the jackpot with me

Lindsay: hahahaha

sara: hahaha stop laughing so much

Lindsay: you need to blog about this entire gchat

sara: hahahahah
it is a winner. i think i will do it right now.

Lindsay: you need to im dying here

Lindsay: hahaha

**Just a side note. I really do look like someone from the amazon when I get out of bed. I'm peeing about 5-7 times a night, and I'm definitely sleeping in the nude. So I have to rock back and forth to pick up some momentum before I thrust myself out of bed to tinkle. Some things are moving a little too much. And some other things are moving that shouldnt. Thank god the lights are always out.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I have played this clip 20 times and keep laughing uncontrollably. This could be for a few reasons:
1) I'm completely delusional
2) I'm already the worst mother in the world
3) Both 1 & 2

Let me explain. Yesterday we had our 31 week ultrasound to check on the little munchkin; I use the term "little" very loosely in its current context. Our baby currently weighs in at 4 lbs 9 oz. That seems incredibly large, considering we could have 8+ more weeks to go, and they normally double in size from now until birth. If my baby enters the world tipping the scale close to the 10lb mark, I can just imagine us now... we'll be like a mommy and baby sharpie, sitting on the couch waiting for daddy to come home and feed love us!

The baby was squished up against my side for the entire ultrasound, so this leads me to believe he/she will be a perfect snuggle bug. This is amazing - I will want a nice warm rolly-polly baby to cuddle up next to for the next few months... nothing makes me happier than the smell of a newborn baby, especially if they like to snuggle you and hold your hair or pinky finger all day. As funny as it is to think of having a super-size Gendreau enter our family... I'm so happy. I love chubby wubby babies more than anything in this world.

On top of already having chubby cheeks and triple chins, our baby also had a full head of hair. Therefore, I'm expecting the following to emerge in the next month or two. And honestly? I'll totally take it!!

Well, it'll either look like that, or like this this (and if Cole had his way, I'm really not sure which one would be his preference).
Honestly, I'm not sure what makes guys so "proud" of the fact that they are having a large child. "Look at my boy - 15 lbs!!! Can you believe it?? I can! I made that!" or "Look at my girl - 13 lbs! You bet I did that!" and all his buddies high five, chest bump, and congratulate him.
I'm sorry - last I checked, this baby is entering the world only one way - and its not via "daddy". So, if I happen to have an extra large baby, I'm 99% sure all my girlfriends will potentially look at me with a slight twinge of horror.

On a different note - the main reason we went in to get an ultrasound was not to watch our baby eat its own hand (which it did, by the way).... but it was to check up on the kidney situation. And guess what! Chubby babies = healthy babies! The kidneys are still a little large, but completely relative to the size of our munchkin. So, as of right now - any blockage or reflux has since been ruled out!! And now, mother and baby shall celebrate....